Sling SetUp
Sling configuration for dildo or FF players
For this session you have to have foot paddle option attached to your machine! Plug in your foot paddle into the AirMaster paddle input.
Prepare your partner in the right position, then prepare your AirMaster and switch it on. Place the foot paddle close to the position where it will be used.
Without foot paddle you have to write a program, or you have to control it manually.
Search AirMaster with your control device. Foot paddle is not working without active control device!
Foot paddle can be connected to any action (Aroma, AirOff, ReBreath), you can choose those in the settings.
Go to manual play page, there you can see a symbol with witch is related action for controlling of foot paddle.
Once you push the paddle, you switch on the action, when you push again, it is switched off.
Have fun.
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